API Glossary




class ntnx_api.client.PrismApi(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A class to represent a connection to an Nutanix API on either Prism Element or Prism Central

param ip_address:
 IPv4 address or resolvable DNS entry for Nutanix API host
type ip_address:
param username:Username to authenticate to API (default=’admin’)
type username:str, optional
param password:Password for user to authenticate to API (default=’nutanix/4u’)
type password:str, optional
param port:The port where the Nutanix API listens (default=’9440’)
type port:str, optional
param validate_certs:
 The port where the Nutanix API listens (default=’9440’)
type validate_certs:
 bool, optional
raises:ValueError - If the connection type is not set - If the connection type is not valid
raises:NutanixError - If the API is not reachable

New in version 1.1.0: This class supersedes the originally released class ApiClient. To interact with the Prism Element or Prism Central APIs please use this class instead of the deprecated class.

request(uri, api_version=None, payload=None, params=None, response_code=None, timeout=120, method=None)[source]

Perform HTTP request for REST API.

  • uri (str) – URI of resource to interact with
  • api_version (str('v1', 'v2.0', 'v3'), optional) – Version of API to use. Affects the base of the called URI.
  • payload (dict, optional) – Data to be used in the body of request
  • params (dict, optional) – Data to be used in the query string of request
  • response_code (int, optional) – Expected response code (default=200)
  • timeout (int, optional) – Number of seconds to wait before the API call times out (default=120)
  • method (str('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'), optional) – Method for the API request. If payload=None default=GET, if payload!=None default=POST

Result of API query

Return type:

ResponseDict or ResponseList


Connect to rest API and store variables neccessary for optimal operation of the class.

Returns:True if successful;, False otherwise
Return type:bool

Test that a query can be performed against the defined API connection

Returns:True if connected, False otherwise
Return type:bool
upload(uri, file_path, header_dict=None, api_version=None, params=None, response_code=200, timeout=120, method='POST')[source]

Perform HTTP upload request for REST API.

  • uri (str) – URI of resource to interact with
  • file_path (str) – PAth to the file to be uploaded
  • header_dict (dict, optional) – Dict of additional headers to add to this request.
  • api_version (str('v1', 'v2.0', 'v3'), optional) – Version of API to use. Affects the base of the called URI.
  • params (dict, optional) – Data to be used in the query string of request
  • response_code (int, optional) – Expected response code (default=200)
  • timeout (int, optional) – Number of seconds to wait before the API call times out (default=120)
  • method (str('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'), optional) – Method for the API request. If payload=None default=GET, if payload!=None default=POST

Result of API query

Return type:

ResponseDict or ResponseList

class ntnx_api.client.ApiClient(connection_type, ip_address=None, username='admin', password='nutanix/4u', port='9440', validate_certs=False, environment=None, api_key=None)[source]

A class to represent a connection to an Nutanix API

param connection_type:
 Identifier for the type of Nutanix API to connect to
type connection_type:
param ip_address:
 IPv4 address or resolvable DNS entry for Nutanix API host
type ip_address:
param username:Username to authenticate to API (default=’admin’)
type username:str, optional
param password:Password for user to authenticate to API (default=’nutanix/4u’)
type password:str, optional
param port:The port where the Nutanix API listens (default=’9440’)
type port:str, optional
param validate_certs:
 The port where the Nutanix API listens (default=’9440’)
type validate_certs:
 bool, optional
param environment:
 Environment string for Xi Frame
type environment:
 str, optional
param api_key:API Key string for Karbon Platform Services (KPS)
type api_key:str, optional
raises:ValueError - If the connection type is not set - If the connection type is not valid
raises:NutanixError - If the API is not reachable

Deprecated since version 1.1.0: This ApiClient class is being deprecated in favor of separate classes for teach Nutanix endpoint type being connected with. This will simplify future development and use and allow for more granular changes based on the requirements of the endpoints API. Prism Element or Central API connection management has moved to PrismApi

request(uri, api_version=None, payload=None, params=None, response_code=200, timeout=120, method=None)[source]

Perform HTTP request for REST API.

  • uri (str) – URI of resource to interact with
  • api_version (str('v1', 'v2.0', 'v3'), optional) – Version of API to use. Affects the base of the called URI.
  • payload (dict, optional) – Data to be used in the body of request
  • params (dict, optional) – Data to be used in the query string of request
  • response_code (int, optional) – Expected response code (default=200)
  • timeout (int, optional) – Number of seconds to wait before the API call times out (default=120)
  • method (str('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'), optional) – Method for the API request. If payload=None default=GET, if payload!=None default=POST

Result of API query

Return type:

ResponseDict or ResponseList


Test that a query can be performed against the defined API connection

Returns:True if connected, False otherwise
Return type:bool
class ntnx_api.client.NutanixError(reason)[source]

Exception type raised by Nutanix API.

Parameters:reason (str) – A message describing why the error occurred.
Variables:reason (str) – A message describing why the error occurred.
class ntnx_api.client.NutanixRestHTTPError(target, rest_version, data, params, response)[source]

Exception raised as a result of non-200 response status code.

  • target (str) – IP or DNS name of the array that received the HTTP request.
  • rest_version (str) – The REST API version that was used when making the request.
  • data (str) – The REST API data that was used when making the request.
  • params (str) – The REST API parameters that was used when making the request.
  • response (requests.Response) – The response of the HTTP request that caused the error.
  • target (str) – IP or DNS name of the array that received the HTTP request.
  • rest_version (str) – The REST API version that was used when making the request.
  • code (int) – The HTTP response status code of the request.
  • headers (dict) – A dictionary containing the header information. Keys are case-insensitive.
  • reason (str) – The textual reason for the HTTP status code (e.g. “BAD REQUEST”).
  • text (str) – The body of the response which may contain a message explaining the error.


The error message in text is not guaranteed to be consistent across REST versions, and thus should not be programmed against.



class ntnx_api.prism.Config(api_client)[source]

A class to represent the configuration of the Nutanix Prism Instance

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class
accept_elua(name, title, company, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Accept the Nutanix ELUA

  • name (str) – Your name
  • title (str) – Your job title
  • company (str) – Name of your company
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
add_auth_dir(name, directory_url, domain, username, password, recursive=False, directory_type='LDAP', connection_type='LDAP', clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add authentication directory for a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – Directory name
  • directory_url (str) – ldap/ldaps URL to connect to the domain including the port your LDAP target is listening on. eg ldap://
  • domain (str) – Fully qualified name of the domain. eg nutanix.local
  • username (str) – Username to authenticate to the domain
  • password (str) – Password for user to authenticate to the domain
  • recursive (bool, optional) – Whether to search for nested groups
  • directory_type (str('ACTIVE_DIRECTORY', 'OPEN_LDAP'), optional) – Type of directory
  • connection_type (str('LDAP'), optional) – Type of connection
add_auth_dir_role_mapping(directory, directory_entities, directory_entity_type, cluster_admin=False, user_admin=False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add authentication role mapping for a named authentication directory on a specific cluster. If either cluster_admin or user_admin is not set the role granted to this user is ROLE_CLUSTER_VIEWER.

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • directory (str) – Name of directory.
  • directory_entities (list of str) – List of users/groups to add.
  • directory_entity_type (str('USER', 'GROUP')) – Type of directory entity being added.
  • cluster_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user Cluster Admin privilege
  • user_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user User Admin privilege
add_dns(dns_server, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add dns server to a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
add_local_user(username, password, firstname, lastname, email, enabled=True, cluster_admin=False, user_admin=False, language='en-US', clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add local user on a specific cluster. User is added with cluster viewer rights. Additional rights have to be added after the user is created

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • username (str) – Username
  • password (str) – Password
  • firstname (str, optional) – First name of user
  • lastname (str, optional) – Last name of user
  • email (str, optional) – Email address for user
  • cluster_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user Cluster Admin privilege
  • user_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user User Admin privilege
  • language (str('en-US','zh-CN','ja-JP'), optional) – Localization region for user account (default=’en-US’)
  • enabled (bool, optional) – Enable user account (default=True)
add_ntp(ntp_server, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add ntp server to a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
add_proxy(name, address, port, proxy_types, username=None, password=None, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add proxy configuration for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
change_ui_admin_password(admin_password, ssh_user='nutanix', ssh_password='nutanix/4u', clusteruuid=None)[source]

Change the password for the ‘admin’ UI user account. This is not exposed via the API so paramiko is used to establish an ssh session to the CVM. If ssh is blocked or key-based authentication is enabled (cluster-lockdown) then this will not work.

  • admin_password (str) – The new admin password to be set for the prism admin user account. See https://portal.nutanix.com for password complexity requirements.
  • ssh_user – The user with ssh access to the nutanix cluster (default=’nutanix’)
  • ssh_password (str, optional) – The password for the user with ssh access to the nutanix cluster (default=’nutanix/4u’)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

Get alert configuration for specified cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

Retrieve authentication data for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional :returns: A list of dictionaries describing the authentication configuration of the cluster.) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of authentication config.
Return type:ResponseList

Get all authentication role mappings for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

Get authentication directories for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

Get authentication types for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

Retrieve data for all categories.


Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

Deprecated since version 1.5.0: The Config is being reorganized and this function has been moved ot a class dedicated to the management of Categories Categories.

get_category_key_usage(category, key)[source]

Retrieve data for all vms or hosts belonging to a specific category & key.

parameter category:
 Category name
type category:str
parameter key:Key name
type key:str


Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

Deprecated since version 1.5.0: The Config is being reorganized and this function has been moved ot a class dedicated to the management of Categories Categories.


Retrieve data for all keys belonging to a specific category.

param category:Category name
type category:str


Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

Deprecated since version 1.5.0: The Config is being reorganized and this function has been moved ot a class dedicated to the management of Categories Categories.


Retrieve dns servers configured for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of the clusters dns servers
Return type:ResponseList

Get local users on a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

Retrieve ntp servers configured for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of the clusters ntp servers
Return type:ResponseList

Retrieve vms that belong to a specific project.

param project_name:
 Project name
type project_name:


Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

Deprecated since version 1.5.0: The Config is being reorganized and this function has been moved ot a class dedicated to the management of Projects Projects.


Retrieve data for all projects.


Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

Deprecated since version 1.5.0: The Config is being reorganized and this function has been moved ot a class dedicated to the management of Projects Projects.


Retrieve data for all protection rules.


Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’


Retrieve proxy configured for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of the clusters dns servers
Return type:ResponseList

Get pulse config for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A dictionary describing pulse configuration from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList

Get smtp config for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A dictionary describing smtp configuration from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList

Get UI 2048 game status for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A dict with the defined UI 2048 game setting {‘status’: ‘true’} or None
Return type:ResponseDict

Get UI animated background particles status for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A dict with the defined UI particle animation setting {‘status’: ‘true’} or None
Return type:ResponseDict

Get UI text (title/blurb) for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A dict with the defined UI banner {‘status’: ‘true’, ‘content’:’blah blah’} or None
Return type:ResponseDict

Get UI color 1 and color 2 for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A dict with the defined UI colors {‘color1’: ‘#CC6164’, ‘color2’:’#FFD055’} or None
Return type:ResponseDict

Get the configuration data for a clusters Prism Element user interface

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

Get UI text (title/blurb) for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A dict with the defined UI text {‘title’: ‘blah’, ‘blurb’:’blah blah’} or None
Return type:ResponseDict

Reset alert configuration for specified cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
remove_auth_dir(name, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Remove authentication directory for a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – Directory name
remove_auth_dir_role_mapping(directory, directory_entities, directory_entity_type, cluster_admin=False, user_admin=False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Delete authentication role mapping for a named authentication directory on a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • directory (str) – Name of directory.
  • directory_entities (list of str) – List of users/groups to add.
  • directory_entity_type (str('USER', 'GROUP')) – Type of directory entity being added.
  • cluster_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user Cluster Admin privilege
  • user_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user User Admin privilege
remove_dns(dns_server, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Remove dns server from a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
remove_local_user(username, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Remove local user on a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • username (str) – Username
remove_ntp(ntp_server, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Remove ntp server from a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
remove_proxy(name, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Remove proxy configuration from a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

Remove smtp config for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
set_auth_dir(name, directory_type, directory_url, domain, username, password, recursive=False, connection_type='LDAP', force=False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Set authentication directory for a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – Directory name
  • directory_url (str) – ldap/ldaps URL to connect to the domain including the port your LDAP target is listening on. eg ldap://
  • domain (str) – Fully qualified name of the domain. eg nutanix.local
  • username (str) – Username to authenticate to the domain
  • password (str) – Password for user to authenticate to the domain
  • recursive (bool, optional) – Whether to search for nested groups (default: False)
  • directory_type (str('ACTIVE_DIRECTORY', 'OPEN_LDAP'), optional) – Type of directory
  • connection_type (str('LDAP'), optional) – Type of connection (default: ‘LDAP’)
  • force (bool, optional) – Force directory update. Use this to update the password of the auth domain user.

updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise

Return type:


set_auth_dir_role_mapping(directory, directory_entities, directory_entity_type, cluster_admin=False, user_admin=False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Create or update authentication role mapping for a named authentication directory on a specific cluster.

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • directory (str) – Name of directory.
  • directory_entities (list of str) – List of users/groups to add.
  • directory_entity_type (str('USER', 'GROUP')) – Type of directory entity being added.
  • cluster_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user Cluster Admin privilege
  • user_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user User Admin privilege

updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise

Return type:


set_dns(clusteruuid=None, dns_servers=None)[source]

Set dns servers for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise
Return type:str
set_local_user(username, password, firstname, lastname, email, enabled=True, cluster_admin=False, user_admin=False, language='en-US', clusteruuid=None)[source]

Create or update local user on a specific cluster. User is added with cluster viewer rights. Additional rights have to be added after the user is created

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • username (str) – Username
  • password (str) – Password
  • firstname (str, optional) – First name of user
  • lastname (str, optional) – Last name of user
  • email (str, optional) – Email address for user
  • cluster_admin (bool, optional) – Email address for user
  • user_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user User Admin priviliges
  • language (str('en-US','zh-CN','ja-JP'), optional) – Localization region for user account (default=’en-US’)
  • enabled (bool, optional) – Enable user account (default=True)

updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise

Return type:


set_ntp(clusteruuid=None, ntp_servers=None)[source]

Set ntp servers for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise
Return type:str
set_proxy(address, port, clusteruuid=None, name='proxy', username='', password='', http=True, https=False, socks=False)[source]

Set proxy configuration for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise
Return type:str
set_pulse(enable, email_address_list=None, email_nutanix=False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Set UI animated background particles status for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise
Return type:str
set_smtp(address, port, mode=None, from_email_address='do-not-reply@nutanix.cluster', username=None, password=None, force=False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Set smtp config for a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • address (str) – SMTP server IP address or FQDN
  • port (int) – SMTP server port
  • mode (str('tls', 'ssl', None), optional) – SMTP connection mode
  • from_email_address (str, optional) – Email address to send alerts from (default: do-not-reply@nutanix.cluster)
  • username (str, optional) – Username to authenticate to the SMTP server
  • password (str, optional) – Password for user to authenticate to the SMTP server
  • force (bool, optional) – Force update regardless of differences (default=False)

updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise

Return type:


set_ui_2048_game(status, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Set UI 2048 game status for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise
Return type:str
set_ui_animation(status, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Set UI animated background particles status for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise
Return type:str
set_ui_banner(status, content, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Set UI welcome banner (title/blurb) for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise
Return type:str
set_ui_color(color1, color2, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Set UI color 1 and color 2 for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise
Return type:str
set_ui_text(title, blurb, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Set UI text (title/blurb) for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:updated if changed, added if created or None otherwise
Return type:str
update_alert_config(email_list, enable=True, enable_default=True, enable_digest=True, nutanix_default_email='nos-alerts@nutanix.com', clusteruuid=None)[source]

Update alert configuration for specified cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • email_list (list of str) –
  • enable (bool, optional) –
  • enable_default (bool, optional) –
  • enable_digest (bool, optional) –
  • nutanix_default_email (str, optional) –
update_auth_dir(name, directory_type, directory_url, domain, username, password, recursive=False, connection_type='LDAP', clusteruuid=None)[source]

Update authentication directory for a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – Directory name
  • directory_url (str) – ldap/ldaps URL to connect to the domain including the port your LDAP target is listening on. eg ldap://
  • domain (str) – Fully qualified name of the domain. eg nutanix.local
  • username (str) – Username to authenticate to the domain
  • password (str) – Password for user to authenticate to the domain
  • recursive (bool, optional) – Whether to search for nested groups
  • directory_type (str('ACTIVE_DIRECTORY', 'OPEN_LDAP'), optional) – Type of directory
  • connection_type (str('LDAP'), optional) – Type of connection
update_auth_dir_role_mapping(directory, directory_entities, directory_entity_type, cluster_admin=False, user_admin=False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Update authentication role mapping for a named authentication directory on a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • directory (str) – Name of directory.
  • directory_entities (list of str) – List of users/groups to add.
  • directory_entity_type (str('USER', 'GROUP')) – Type of directory entity being added.
  • cluster_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user Cluster Admin privilege
  • user_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user User Admin privilege
update_local_user(username, password, firstname, lastname, email, enabled=True, cluster_admin=False, user_admin=False, language='en-US', clusteruuid=None)[source]

Update local user on a specific cluster. User is added with cluster viewer rights. Additional rights have to be added after the user is created

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • username (str) – Username
  • password (str) – Password
  • firstname (str, optional) – First name of user
  • lastname (str, optional) – Last name of user
  • email (str, optional) – Email address for user
  • cluster_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user Cluster Admin privilege
  • user_admin (bool, optional) – Whether to grant user User Admin privilege
  • language (str('en-US','zh-CN','ja-JP'), optional) – Localization region for user account (default=’en-US’)
  • enabled (bool, optional) – Enable user account (default=True)
update_proxy(name, address, port, proxy_types, username=None, password=None, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add proxy configuration for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
update_pulse(enable, email_address_list=None, email_nutanix=False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Get pulse config for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
update_smtp(address, from_email_address, port, secure_mode=None, username=None, password=None, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Update smtp config for a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • address (str) –
  • from_email_address (str) –
  • port (int) –
  • secure_mode (str, optional) –
  • username (str, optional) –
  • password (str, optional) –


class ntnx_api.prism.Cluster(api_client)[source]

A class to represent a Nutanix Cluster

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class
get(clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Refresh data for this cluster if it already exists.

A dictionary describing the configuration of the cluster.

Return type:



Retrieve a list of all clusters.

Returns:A list of dictionaries describing the configuration of each cluster.
Return type:ResponseList


Will return all registered clusters when connection_type==’pc’


Will only return one cluster when connection_type==’pe’


Retrieve HA data for a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A dictionary describing the HA configuration of the cluster.
Return type:ResponseDict


Cluster HA configuration will only present for cluster running the AHV hypervisor.

search_name(name, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific cluster, in a specific cluster by host cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – A host name to search for.

A dictionary describing the found cluster.

Return type:


search_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific cluster, in a specific cluster by host uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str, optional) – A cluster uuid to search for.

A dictionary describing the found cluster.

Return type:



class ntnx_api.prism.Hosts(api_client)[source]

A class to represent a Nutanix Clusters Hosts

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class

Retrieve data for each host in a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each host from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList
get_categories(uuid, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve the categories assigned to the specified host if connected to a prism central

  • uuid (str) – The UUID of a host.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the class dataset (default=False).

A dictionary with all categories for the specified host.

Return type:



Retrieve metadata for each host from the connected PC instance

Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each vm from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList
get_project(uuid, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve the project assigned to the specified host if connected to a prism central

  • uuid (str) – The UUID of a host.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the class dataset (default=False).

A string containing the project name.

Return type:


search_ip(ip_address, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific host, in a specific cluster by ip_address. The CVM, Hypervisor and IPMI IP addresses will be tested

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • ip_address (str, optional) – A host name to search for.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the class dataset (default=False).

A dictionary describing the found host.

Return type:


search_name(name, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific host, in a specific cluster by host name

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – A host name to search for.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the class dataset (default=False).

A dictionary describing the found host.

Return type:


search_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific host, in a specific cluster by host uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str, optional) – A host uuid to search for.

A dictionary describing the found host.

Return type:



class ntnx_api.prism.Vms(api_client)[source]

A class to represent a Nutanix Clusters Virtual Machines

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class
add_disks(vm_uuid: str, disks: list = None, add_cdrom: bool = False, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Add disks from a dict to an existing virtual machine.

  • vm_uuid (str) – The uuid for the VM to be have disks added.
  • disks (list, optional) –

    A list of vdisks dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-vDisk is as follows::
    • bus (str, optional, default=’scsi’). The bus to use for the vDisk. Choice of ‘scsi’, ‘ide’, ‘pci’, ‘sata’, ‘spapr’, ‘nvme’
    • size_gb (int, optional). Size of vDisk in GB. Use this when creating a new disk or cloning from an image. Can be used to increase the size of vDisk created from an image
    • storage_container_name (str, optional). Name of Storage Container. Only used when creating a new vDisk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_uuid”
    • storage_container_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Storage Container. Only used when creating a new vDisk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_name”
    • image_name (str, optional). Name of Image to clone from. Only used when creating a new vDisk from an existing image. Mutually exclusive with “image_uuid”
    • image_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Image to clone from. Only used when creating a new vDisk from an existing image. Mutually exclusive with “image_name”
    • volume_group_name (str, optional). Name of Volume Group to attach. Only used when attaching an existing volume group. Mutually exclusive with “volume_group_uuid”
    • volume_group_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Volume Group to attach. Only used when attaching an existing volume group. Mutually exclusive with “volume_group_name”
    • flash_mode (bool, optional, default=False). True or False
    • label (str, optional). Unknown
    1. Add a single virtual disk - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 50, }, ]
    2. Add multiple virtual disk - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 50, }, {‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 200, }, ]
    3. Add a single virtual disk with flash mode enabled - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 15, ‘flash_mode’: True}, ]
    4. Add a single virtual disk from an image - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘image_name’: ‘centos8’, }, ]
    5. Add a single virtual disk from an image with a new minimum size - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘image_name’: ‘centos8’, ‘size_gb’: 500, }, ]
    6. Add a volume group - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘volume_group_name’: ‘volume_group_database1’, }, ]
  • add_cdrom (bool, optional) – Whether to add a cdrom drive to this VM (default=True)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the disk was successfully added.

Return type:


add_nics(vm_uuid: str, nics: list = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Add one or more nics to an existing virtual machine.

  • vm_uuid (str) – The uuid for the VM to have the nic attached.
  • nics (list, optional) –

    A list of NIC dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-NIC is as follows::
    • network_name (str, optional). The name of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_uuid”.
    • network_uuid (str, optional). The uuid of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_name”.
    • adaptor_type (str, optional, default=’e1000’). The network adaptor type to use for the NIC. Choice of ‘e1000’, ‘e1000e’, ‘pcnet32’, ‘vmxnet’, ‘vmxnet2’, ‘vmxnet3’,
    • connect (bool, optional, default=True). Whether to connect the NIC to the network.
    • mac_address (str, optional, default=None). A user-defined MAC address to use for this NIC.
    • ipam (bool, optional, default=False). Whether to use AHV IPAM to automatically provide an IP address.
    • requested_ip_address (str, optional). A user-defined IP address to use in conjunction with AHV IPAM. Requires ‘ipam’ to also be set to True.
    1. Create a simple NIC - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’,}, ]
    2. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    3. Create multiple NICs with mixed configuration - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network 1’, }, {‘network_name’: ‘vm network 2’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    4. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM and a defined IP address - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, ‘requested_ip_address’: ‘’, }, ]
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the nic(s) were successfully added.

Return type:


attach_vg(index: int, uuid: str, vm_uuid: str, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Attach a volume group to an existing virtual machine.

  • index (int) – The index where the volume groups will be attached.
  • uuid (str) – The uuid of the volume group.
  • vm_uuid (str) – The uuid for the VM to have the volume group attached.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully attached.

Return type:


clone_name(source_name: str, name: str, cores: int = None, sockets: int = None, memory_gb: int = None, nics: list = [], sysprep: str = None, cloudinit: str = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Clones an existing virtual machine based on the provided virtual machine name.

  • source_name (str) – The name for the virtual machine to be cloned.
  • name (str) – The name for the new virtual machine.
  • cores (int) – The number of virtual CPU cores per virtual CPU socket
  • sockets (int, optional) – The number of virtual CPU sockets to distribute the defined vCPUs over (default=1)
  • memory_gb (int) – The amount of memory in GB to be assigne to this VM
  • nics (list, optional) –

    A list of NIC dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-NIC is as follows::
    • network_name (str, optional). The name of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_uuid”.
    • network_uuid (str, optional). The uuid of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_name”.
    • adaptor_type (str, optional, default=’e1000’). The network adaptor type to use for the NIC. Choice of ‘e1000’, ‘e1000e’, ‘pcnet32’, ‘vmxnet’, ‘vmxnet2’, ‘vmxnet3’,
    • connect (bool, optional, default=True). Whether to connect the NIC to the network.
    • mac_address (str, optional, default=None). A user-defined MAC address to use for this NIC.
    • ipam (bool, optional, default=False). Whether to use AHV IPAM to automatically provide an IP address.
    • requested_ip_address (str, optional). A user-defined IP address to use in conjunction with AHV IPAM. Requires ‘ipam’ to also be set to True.
    1. Create a simple NIC - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’,}, ]
    2. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    3. Create multiple NICs with mixed configuration - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network 1’, }, {‘network_name’: ‘vm network 2’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    4. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM and a defined IP address - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, ‘requested_ip_address’: ‘’, }, ]
  • sysprep (str, optional) – The sysprep XML string to use to customize this VM upon first power on. Only applicable for AHV and a Windows OS. (default=’null’)
  • cloudinit (str, optional) – The cloudinit text string to use to customize this VM upon first power on. Only applicable for AHV and a Linux OS. (default=’null’)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the VM was successfully cloned.

Return type:



As VM names are not necessarily unique, the first result returned will be used.

clone_uuid(source_uuid: str, name: str, cores: int = None, sockets: int = None, memory_gb: int = None, nics: list = [], sysprep: str = None, cloudinit: str = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Clones an existing virtual machine based on the provided virtual machine uuid.

  • source_uuid (str) – The uuid for the virtual machine to be cloned.
  • name (str) – The name for the new virtual machine.
  • cores (int) – The number of virtual CPU cores per virtual CPU socket
  • sockets (int, optional) – The number of virtual CPU sockets to distribute the defined vCPUs over (default=1)
  • memory_gb (int) – The amount of memory in GB to be assigne to this VM
  • nics (list, optional) –

    A list of NIC dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-NIC is as follows::
    • network_name (str, optional). The name of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_uuid”.
    • network_uuid (str, optional). The uuid of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_name”.
    • adaptor_type (str, optional, default=’e1000’). The network adaptor type to use for the NIC. Choice of ‘e1000’, ‘e1000e’, ‘pcnet32’, ‘vmxnet’, ‘vmxnet2’, ‘vmxnet3’,
    • connect (bool, optional, default=True). Whether to connect the NIC to the network.
    • mac_address (str, optional, default=None). A user-defined MAC address to use for this NIC.
    • ipam (bool, optional, default=False). Whether to use AHV IPAM to automatically provide an IP address.
    • requested_ip_address (str, optional). A user-defined IP address to use in conjunction with AHV IPAM. Requires ‘ipam’ to also be set to True.
    1. Create a simple NIC - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’,}, ]
    2. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    3. Create multiple NICs with mixed configuration - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network 1’, }, {‘network_name’: ‘vm network 2’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    4. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM and a defined IP address - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, ‘requested_ip_address’: ‘’, }, ]
  • sysprep (str, optional) – The sysprep XML string to use to customize this VM upon first power on. Only applicable for AHV and a Windows OS. (default=’null’)
  • cloudinit (str, optional) – The cloudinit text string to use to customize this VM upon first power on. Only applicable for AHV and a Linux OS. (default=’null’)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the VM was successfully cloned.

Return type:


create(name: str, cores: int, memory_gb: int, sockets: int = 1, vcpu_reservation_hz: int = 0, memory_reservation_gb: int = 0, description: str = '', power_state: str = 'on', disks: list = [], storage_container_uuid: str = None, nics: list = [], gpus: list = [], serial_ports: list = [], timezone: str = 'UTC', sysprep: str = None, cloudinit: str = None, add_cdrom: bool = True, ha_priority: int = 0, machine_type: str = 'pc', wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Create a new virtual machine.

  • name (str) – The name for the VM to be created. VM names do not have to be unique.
  • description (str, optional) – A description for the VM (default=’’)
  • cores (int) – The number of virtual CPU cores per virtual CPU socket
  • sockets (int, optional) – The number of virtual CPU sockets to distribute the defined vCPUs over (default=1)
  • memory_gb (int) – The amount of memory in GB to be assigne to this VM
  • vcpu_reservation_hz (int, optional) – A CPU reservation in hz for this VM. Only applicable on the ESXi hypervisor. (default=0)
  • memory_reservation_gb (int, optional) – An amount of memory to lock to this VM. Only applicable on the ESXi hypervisor. (default=0)
  • power_state (str('on', 'off'), optional) – The desired power state for this VM after creation. (default=’on’)
  • storage_container_uuid (str, optional) – The UUID of the storage contain on which to create this VM. Only applicable on the ESXi hypervisor. (default=’null’)
  • add_cdrom (bool, optional) – Whether to add a cdrom drive to this VM (default=True)
  • disks (list, optional) –

    A list of vdisks dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-vDisk is as follows::
    • bus (str, optional, default=’scsi’). The bus to use for the vDisk. Choice of ‘scsi’, ‘ide’, ‘pci’, ‘sata’, ‘spapr’, ‘nvme’
    • size_gb (int, optional). Size of vDisk in GB. Use this when creating a new disk or cloning from an image. Can be used to increase the size of vDisk created from an image
    • storage_container_name (str, optional). Name of Storage Container. Only used when creating a new vDisk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_uuid”
    • storage_container_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Storage Container. Only used when creating a new vDisk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_name”
    • image_name (str, optional). Name of Image to clone from. Only used when creating a new vDisk from an existing image. Mutually exclusive with “image_uuid”
    • image_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Image to clone from. Only used when creating a new vDisk from an existing image. Mutually exclusive with “image_name”
    • volume_group_name (str, optional). Name of Volume Group to attach. Only used when attaching an existing volume group. Mutually exclusive with “volume_group_uuid”
    • volume_group_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Volume Group to attach. Only used when attaching an existing volume group. Mutually exclusive with “volume_group_name”
    • flash_mode (bool, optional, default=False). True or False
    • label (str, optional). Unknown
    1. Add a single virtual disk - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 50, }, ]
    2. Add multiple virtual disk - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 50, }, {‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 200, }, ]
    3. Add a single virtual disk with flash mode enabled - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 15, ‘flash_mode’: True}, ]
    4. Add a single virtual disk from an image - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘image_name’: ‘centos8’, }, ]
    5. Add a single virtual disk from an image with a new minimum size - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘image_name’: ‘centos8’, ‘size_gb’: 500, }, ]
    6. Add a volume group - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘volume_group_name’: ‘volume_group_database1’, }, ]
  • nics (list, optional) –

    A list of NIC dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-NIC is as follows::
    • network_name (str, optional). The name of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_uuid”.
    • network_uuid (str, optional). The uuid of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_name”.
    • adaptor_type (str, optional, default=’e1000’). The network adaptor type to use for the NIC. Choice of ‘e1000’, ‘e1000e’, ‘pcnet32’, ‘vmxnet’, ‘vmxnet2’, ‘vmxnet3’,
    • connect (bool, optional, default=True). Whether to connect the NIC to the network.
    • mac_address (str, optional, default=None). A user-defined MAC address to use for this NIC.
    • ipam (bool, optional, default=False). Whether to use AHV IPAM to automatically provide an IP address.
    • requested_ip_address (str, optional). A user-defined IP address to use in conjunction with AHV IPAM. Requires ‘ipam’ to also be set to True.
    1. Create a simple NIC - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’,}, ]
    2. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    3. Create multiple NICs with mixed configuration - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network 1’, }, {‘network_name’: ‘vm network 2’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    4. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM and a defined IP address - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, ‘requested_ip_address’: ‘’, }, ]
  • gpus (list, optional) –

    A list of GPU dicts to be added to the VM (default=’null’)

    The dictionary format per-GPU is as follows::
    • device_id (int).
    • gpu_type (str, optional, default=’null’). The type of GPU to add. Choice of ‘pass_through_graphics’
    • gpu_vendor (str, optional, default=’null’). The GPU vendor to add. Choice of ‘nvidia’,
  • serial_ports (list, optional) –

    A list of serial port dicts to be added to the VM (default=’null’)

    The dictionary format per-serial port is as follows::
    • port_index (int).
    • port_type (str, optional, default=’null’). The type of serial port to add. Choice of ‘null’, ‘server’
  • timezone (str, optional) – The timezone for the virtual machine (default=’UTC’).
  • sysprep (str, optional) – The sysprep XML string to use to customize this VM upon first power on. Only applicable for AHV and a Windows OS. (default=’null’)
  • cloudinit (str, optional) – The cloudinit text string to use to customize this VM upon first power on. Only applicable for AHV and a Linux OS. (default=’null’)
  • ha_priority (int, optional) – VM HA priority. Only applicable to ESXi hypervisor (default=0)
  • machine_type (str('pc', 'pseries', 'q35'), optional) – The type of VM being deployed. This donates the target cpu architecture of the cluster. (default=’pc’)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the VM was successfully created.

Return type:


delete_name(name: str, snapshots: bool = False, vg_detach: bool = True, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Delete an existing virtual machine by name.

  • name (str) – The name for the VM to be deleted.
  • snapshots (bool, optional) – Whether to also delete VM snapshots when deleting the VM. (Default=False)
  • vg_detach (bool, optional) – Whether to also detatch any connected volume groups when deleting the VM. (Default=True)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the VM was sucessfully created.

Return type:



As VM names are not necessarily unique, the first result returned will be used.

delete_uuid(uuid: str, snapshots: bool = False, vg_detach: bool = True, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Delete an existing virtual machine by virtual machine uuid.

  • uuid (str) – The uuid for the VM to be deleted.
  • snapshots (bool, optional) – Whether to also delete VM snapshots when deleting the VM. (Default=False)
  • vg_detach (bool, optional) – Whether to also detatch any connected volume groups when deleting the VM. (Default=True)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the VM was sucessfully created.

Return type:


detach_vg(index: int, uuid: str, vm_uuid: str, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Detach a volume group to an existing virtual machine.

  • index (int) – The index where the volume groups will be attached.
  • uuid (str) – The uuid of the volume group.
  • vm_uuid (str) – The uuid for the VM to have the volume group attached.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully detached.

Return type:


get(clusteruuid=None, include_disks=True, include_nics=True)[source]

Retrieve host data for each virtual machine in a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • include_disks (bool, optional) – Include VM disk info in returned data (Default=False)
  • include_nics (bool, optional) – Include VM nic info in returned data (Default=False)

A list of dictionaries describing each vm from the specified cluster.

Return type:


get_categories(uuid, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve the categories assigned to the specified VM if connected to a prism central

  • uuid (str) – The UUID of a VM.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the class VM Metadata dataset (default=False).

A dictionary with all .

Return type:



Retrieve metadata for each virtual machine from the connected PC instance

Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each vm from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList
get_project(uuid, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve the project assigned to the specified VM if connected to a prism central

  • uuid (str) – The UUID of a VM.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the class VM Metadata dataset (default=False).

A string containing the project name.

Return type:


get_protection_rules(uuid, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve the protection rules assigned to the specified VM if connected to a prism central

  • uuid (str) – The UUID of a VM.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the class VM Metadata dataset (default=False).

A dictionary with all .

Return type:


power_state(uuid: str, desired_state: str = 'on', wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Change the power state of a specific virtual machine.

  • uuid (str) – The uuid for the virtual machine to have the nic attached.
  • desired_state (str('on', 'off', 'powercycle', 'reset', 'pause', 'suspend', 'resume', 'save', 'acpi_shutdown', 'acpi_reboot')) – The desired power state for the virtual machine. .
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the virtual machines power state was successfully changed.

Return type:


remove_disk(vm_uuid: str, bus: str = None, index: int = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Remove a disk from a VM

  • vm_uuid (str) – The uuid for the VM to have a disk removed.
  • bus (str) – The bus where the disk to be removed is located.
  • index (int) – The index for the disk to be removed.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the disk was successfully removed.

Return type:


remove_nic(vm_uuid: str, mac_address: str, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Remove a single nic from an existing virtual machine.

  • vm_uuid (str) – The uuid for the VM to have the nic attached.
  • mac_address (str) – The mac address for the nic to be removed.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the nic was successfully removed.

Return type:


search_name(name, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific vm, in a specific cluster by vm name

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – A vm name to search for.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the class VM dataset (default=False).

A dictionary describing the found vm.

Return type:


search_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific vm, in a specific cluster by vm uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str, optional) – A vm uuid to search for.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the class VM dataset (default=False).

A dictionary describing the found vm.

Return type:


set_cateories(categories, create_missing=True)[source]
update_name(name: str, new_name: str = None, cores: int = None, sockets: int = None, memory_gb: int = None, vcpu_reservation_hz: int = None, memory_reservation_gb: int = None, description: str = None, disks: list = [], nics: list = [], gpus: list = [], serial_ports: list = [], timezone: str = None, add_cdrom: bool = None, ha_priority: int = None, force: bool = False, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Updates a specific virtual machine by the vm name provided.

  • name (str) – The name for the virtual machine to be updated.
  • new_name (str, optional) – A new name for the virtual machine.
  • cores (int) – The number of virtual CPU cores per virtual CPU socket
  • sockets (int, optional) – The number of virtual CPU sockets to distribute the defined vCPUs over (default=1)
  • memory_gb (int) – The amount of memory in GB to be assigne to this VM
  • vcpu_reservation_hz (int, optional) – A CPU reservation in hz for this VM. Only applicable on the ESXi hypervisor. (default=0)
  • memory_reservation_gb (int, optional) – An amount of memory to lock to this VM. Only applicable on the ESXi hypervisor. (default=0)
  • description (str, optional) – A description for the VM (default=’’)
  • add_cdrom (bool, optional) – Whether to add a cdrom drive to this VM (default=True)
  • disks (list, optional) –

    A list of vdisks dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-vDisk is as follows::
    • bus (str, optional, default=’scsi’). The bus to use for the vDisk. Choice of ‘scsi’, ‘ide’, ‘pci’, ‘sata’, ‘spapr’, ‘nvme’
    • size_gb (int, optional). Size of vDisk in GB. Use this when creating a new disk or cloning from an image. Can be used to increase the size of vDisk created from an image
    • storage_container_name (str, optional). Name of Storage Container. Only used when creating a new vDisk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_uuid”
    • storage_container_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Storage Container. Only used when creating a new vDisk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_name”
    • image_name (str, optional). Name of Image to clone from. Only used when creating a new vDisk from an existing image. Mutually exclusive with “image_uuid”
    • image_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Image to clone from. Only used when creating a new vDisk from an existing image. Mutually exclusive with “image_name”
    • volume_group_name (str, optional). Name of Volume Group to attach. Only used when attaching an existing volume group. Mutually exclusive with “volume_group_uuid”
    • volume_group_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Volume Group to attach. Only used when attaching an existing volume group. Mutually exclusive with “volume_group_name”
    • flash_mode (bool, optional, default=False). True or False
    • label (str, optional). Unknown
    1. Add a single virtual disk - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 50, }, ]
    2. Add multiple virtual disk - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 50, }, {‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 200, }, ]
    3. Add a single virtual disk with flash mode enabled - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 15, ‘flash_mode’: True}, ]
    4. Add a single virtual disk from an image - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘image_name’: ‘centos8’, }, ]
    5. Add a single virtual disk from an image with a new minimum size - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘image_name’: ‘centos8’, ‘size_gb’: 500, }, ]
    6. Add a volume group - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘volume_group_name’: ‘volume_group_database1’, }, ]
  • nics (list, optional) –

    A list of NIC dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-NIC is as follows::
    • network_name (str, optional). The name of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_uuid”.
    • network_uuid (str, optional). The uuid of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_name”.
    • adaptor_type (str, optional, default=’e1000’). The network adaptor type to use for the NIC. Choice of ‘e1000’, ‘e1000e’, ‘pcnet32’, ‘vmxnet’, ‘vmxnet2’, ‘vmxnet3’,
    • connect (bool, optional, default=True). Whether to connect the NIC to the network.
    • mac_address (str, optional, default=None). A user-defined MAC address to use for this NIC.
    • ipam (bool, optional, default=False). Whether to use AHV IPAM to automatically provide an IP address.
    • requested_ip_address (str, optional). A user-defined IP address to use in conjunction with AHV IPAM. Requires ‘ipam’ to also be set to True.
    1. Create a simple NIC - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’,}, ]
    2. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    3. Create multiple NICs with mixed configuration - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network 1’, }, {‘network_name’: ‘vm network 2’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    4. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM and a defined IP address - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, ‘requested_ip_address’: ‘’, }, ]
  • gpus (list, optional) –

    A list of GPU dicts to be added to the VM (default=’null’)

    The dictionary format per-GPU is as follows::
    • device_id (int).
    • gpu_type (str, optional, default=’null’). The type of GPU to add. Choice of ‘pass_through_graphics’
    • gpu_vendor (str, optional, default=’null’). The GPU vendor to add. Choice of ‘nvidia’,
  • serial_ports (list, optional) –

    A list of serial port dicts to be added to the VM (default=’null’)

    The dictionary format per-serial port is as follows::
    • port_index (int).
    • port_type (str, optional, default=’null’). The type of serial port to add. Choice of ‘null’, ‘server’
  • timezone (str, optional) – The timezone for the virtual machine (default=’UTC’).
  • ha_priority (int, optional) – VM HA priority. Only applicable to ESXi hypervisor (default=0)
  • force (bool, optional) – If the VM is not in a power state that will allow the change to be made, force will change the VM power state to apply the update, then return the VM to its original power state once the update has been completed. (defaults=False)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the virtual machine was successfully updated.

Return type:



As VM names are not necessarily unique, the first result returned will be used.

update_uuid(uuid: str, new_name: str = None, cores: int = None, sockets: int = None, memory_gb: int = None, vcpu_reservation_hz: int = None, memory_reservation_gb: int = None, description: str = None, disks: list = [], nics: list = [], gpus: list = [], serial_ports: list = [], timezone: str = None, add_cdrom: bool = None, ha_priority: int = None, force: bool = False, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Updates a specific virtual machine by the uuid provided

  • uuid (str) – The uuid for the virtual machine to be updated.
  • new_name (str, optional) – A new name for the virtual machine.
  • memory_gb (int) – The amount of memory in GB to be assigne to this VM
  • cores (int) – The number of virtual CPU cores per virtual CPU socket
  • sockets (int, optional) – The number of virtual CPU sockets to distribute the defined vCPUs over (default=1)
  • vcpu_reservation_hz (int, optional) – A CPU reservation in hz for this VM. Only applicable on the ESXi hypervisor. (default=0)
  • memory_reservation_gb (int, optional) – An amount of memory to lock to this VM. Only applicable on the ESXi hypervisor. (default=0)
  • description (str, optional) – A description for the VM (default=’’)
  • add_cdrom (bool, optional) – Whether to add a cdrom drive to this VM (default=True)
  • disks (list, optional) –

    A list of vdisks dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-vDisk is as follows::
    • bus (str, optional, default=’scsi’). The bus to use for the vDisk. Choice of ‘scsi’, ‘ide’, ‘pci’, ‘sata’, ‘spapr’, ‘nvme’
    • size_gb (int, optional). Size of vDisk in GB. Use this when creating a new disk or cloning from an image. Can be used to increase the size of vDisk created from an image
    • storage_container_name (str, optional). Name of Storage Container. Only used when creating a new vDisk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_uuid”
    • storage_container_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Storage Container. Only used when creating a new vDisk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_name”
    • image_name (str, optional). Name of Image to clone from. Only used when creating a new vDisk from an existing image. Mutually exclusive with “image_uuid”
    • image_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Image to clone from. Only used when creating a new vDisk from an existing image. Mutually exclusive with “image_name”
    • volume_group_name (str, optional). Name of Volume Group to attach. Only used when attaching an existing volume group. Mutually exclusive with “volume_group_uuid”
    • volume_group_uuid (str, optional). UUID of Volume Group to attach. Only used when attaching an existing volume group. Mutually exclusive with “volume_group_name”
    • flash_mode (bool, optional, default=False). True or False
    • label (str, optional). Unknown
    1. Add a single virtual disk - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 50, }, ]
    2. Add multiple virtual disk - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 50, }, {‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 200, }, ]
    3. Add a single virtual disk with flash mode enabled - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘size_gb’: 15, ‘flash_mode’: True}, ]
    4. Add a single virtual disk from an image - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘image_name’: ‘centos8’, }, ]
    5. Add a single virtual disk from an image with a new minimum size - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘image_name’: ‘centos8’, ‘size_gb’: 500, }, ]
    6. Add a volume group - [{‘bus’: ‘scsi’, ‘volume_group_name’: ‘volume_group_database1’, }, ]
  • nics (list, optional) –

    A list of NIC dicts to be added to this VM (default=’null’).

    The dictionary format per-NIC is as follows::
    • network_name (str, optional). The name of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_uuid”.
    • network_uuid (str, optional). The uuid of the network or port group to attach the NIC onto. Mutually exclusive with “network_name”.
    • adaptor_type (str, optional, default=’e1000’). The network adaptor type to use for the NIC. Choice of ‘e1000’, ‘e1000e’, ‘pcnet32’, ‘vmxnet’, ‘vmxnet2’, ‘vmxnet3’,
    • connect (bool, optional, default=True). Whether to connect the NIC to the network.
    • mac_address (str, optional, default=None). A user-defined MAC address to use for this NIC.
    • ipam (bool, optional, default=False). Whether to use AHV IPAM to automatically provide an IP address.
    • requested_ip_address (str, optional). A user-defined IP address to use in conjunction with AHV IPAM. Requires ‘ipam’ to also be set to True.
    1. Create a simple NIC - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’,}, ]
    2. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    3. Create multiple NICs with mixed configuration - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network 1’, }, {‘network_name’: ‘vm network 2’, ‘ipam’: True, }, ]
    4. Create a NIC with AHV IPAM and a defined IP address - [{‘network_name’: ‘vm network’, ‘ipam’: True, ‘requested_ip_address’: ‘’, }, ]
  • gpus (list, optional) –

    A list of GPU dicts to be added to the VM (default=’null’)

    The dictionary format per-GPU is as follows::
    • device_id (int).
    • gpu_type (str, optional, default=’null’). The type of GPU to add. Choice of ‘pass_through_graphics’
    • gpu_vendor (str, optional, default=’null’). The GPU vendor to add. Choice of ‘nvidia’,
  • serial_ports (list, optional) –

    A list of serial port dicts to be added to the VM (default=’null’)

    The dictionary format per-serial port is as follows::
    • port_index (int).
    • port_type (str, optional, default=’null’). The type of serial port to add. Choice of ‘null’, ‘server’
  • timezone (str, optional) – The timezone for the virtual machine (default=’UTC’).
  • ha_priority (int, optional) – VM HA priority. Only applicable to ESXi hypervisor (default=0)
  • force (bool, optional) – If the VM is not in a power state that will allow the change to be made, force will change the VM power state to apply the update, then return the VM to its original power state once the update has been completed. (defaults=False)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the virtual machine was successfully updated.

Return type:



class ntnx_api.prism.Images(api_client)[source]

A class to represent a Nutanix Clusters Images

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class
delete_name(name, clusteruuid=None, wait=False)[source]

Delete an existing image based on the image name provided

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str) – A image name to be deleted.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the image task to complete. Defaults to False.
delete_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None, wait=False)[source]

Delete an existing image based on the image uuid provided

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str) – A image uuid to be deleted.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the image task to complete. Defaults to False.

Retrieve data for each image in a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each image from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList


Images are only present for cluster running the AHV hypervisor.

search_name(name, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific image, in a specific cluster by image name

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str) – A image name to search for.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the data stored in the class prior to performing the search. Defaults to False.

A dictionary describing the found image.

Return type:


search_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific image, in a specific cluster by image uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str) – A image uuid to search for.
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh the data stored in the class prior to performing the search. Defaults to False.

A dictionary describing the found image.

Return type:


upload_from_file(name, file_path, storage_container_uuid, image_type='disk', annotation='', clusteruuid=None, wait=False)[source]

Upload an image from a file path. The target file path needs to be accessible on the device running this script.

  • name (str) – A name for the image to be creted.
  • file_path (str) – A file path that resolves to the file of the image to be created.
  • storage_container_uuid (str) – The UUID of the storage container on which to place the image.
  • image_type (str('disk', 'iso'), optional) – The type of image to be created. (default=disk).
  • annotation (str, optional) – The annotation to set on the image. (default=’’).
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (default=false).

Result of image upload. If Tur the image was created successfully. If False the image creation was unsuccessful

Return type:


upload_from_url(name, url, storage_container_uuid, image_type='disk', annotation='', clusteruuid=None, wait=False)[source]

Upload an image from a URL. The target URL needs to be accessible from the CVM network on the target Nutanix cluster.

  • name (str) – A name for the image to be creted.
  • url (str) – A URL that resolves to the file of the image to be created.
  • storage_container_uuid (str) – The UUID of the storage container on which to place the image.
  • image_type (str('disk', 'iso'), optional) – The type of image to be created. (default=disk).
  • annotation (str, optional) – The annotation to set on the image. (default=’’).
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (default=false).

Result of image upload. If Tur the image was created successfully. If False the image creation was unsuccessful

Return type:



class ntnx_api.prism.Network(api_client)[source]

A class to represent a Nutanix Cluster AHV Network object.

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class
create(name, vlan=0, vswitch='br0', network_address=None, network_cidr=None, default_gw=None, dhcp_boot_filename=None, dhcp_domain_name=None, dhcp_domain_nameservers=None, dhcp_domain_search=None, dhcp_tftp_server_name=None, dhcp_server_override=None, dhcp_pools=None, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Create a new network on a specified vSwitch

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str) – The name of the network to create.
  • vlan (int, optional) – The vlan id of the network to be created. To select the native VLAN set this value to 0. (default=0)
  • vswitch (str, optional) – The name of the vswitch on which to create the network. (default=’br0’)
  • network_address (str, optional) – The network address for the network being created. This is required to enable IP Address Management (IPAM) within AHV.
  • network_cidr (int, optional) – The CIDR for the network being created. This is required to enable IP Address Management (IPAM) within AHV.
  • default_gw (str, optional) – The default gateway for the network being created. This is required to enable IP Address Management (IPAM) within AHV.
  • dhcp_boot_filename (str, optional) – The default gateway for the network being created.
  • dhcp_domain_name (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_domain_nameservers (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_domain_search (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_tftp_server_name (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_server_override (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_pools (list, optional) – A list of dicts describing the ip pool ranges to create. Each dict should be in the format {“start”: “w.x.y.z”, “end”: “”w.x.y.z”}.
delete_name(name, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Delete an existing network by name.

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str) – The name of the network to delete.
delete_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Delete an existing network by uuid.

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str) – The uuid of the network to delete.

Retrieve data for each network in a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each network from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList
search_name(name, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific network, in a specific cluster by uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – A network name to search for.

A dictionary describing the found network.

Return type:


search_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific network, in a specific cluster by uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str, optional) – A network uuid to search for.

A dictionary describing the found network.

Return type:


search_vlan(vlan, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific vlan, in a specific cluster by uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • vlan (str, optional) – A vlan to search for.

A dictionary describing the found network.

Return type:


update(name, vlan=None, network_address=None, network_cidr=None, default_gw=None, dhcp_boot_filename=None, dhcp_domain_name=None, dhcp_domain_nameservers=None, dhcp_domain_search=None, dhcp_tftp_server_name=None, dhcp_server_override=None, dhcp_pools=None, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Update the configuration of an existing network.

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str) – The name of the network to update.
  • vlan (int, optional) – The vlan id of the network to be created. To select the native VLAN set this value to 0. (default=0)
  • network_address (str, optional) – The network address for the network being created. This is required to enable IP Address Management (IPAM) within AHV.
  • network_cidr (int, optional) – The CIDR for the network being created. This is required to enable IP Address Management (IPAM) within AHV.
  • default_gw (str, optional) – The default gateway for the network being created. This is required to enable IP Address Management (IPAM) within AHV.
  • dhcp_boot_filename (str, optional) – The default gateway for the network being created.
  • dhcp_domain_name (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_domain_nameservers (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_domain_search (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_tftp_server_name (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_server_override (str, optional) –
  • dhcp_pools (list, optional) – A list of dicts describing the ip pool ranges to create. Each dict should be in the format {“start”: “w.x.y.z”, “end”: “”w.x.y.z”}.


class ntnx_api.prism.NetworkSwitch(api_client)[source]

A class to represent a Nutanix Cluster AHV vSwitch object.

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class

Retrieve data for each vSwitch in a specific AHV cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each network from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList
search_name(name, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific network vSwitch, in a specific cluster by name

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – A storage pool name to search for.

A dictionary describing the found storage pool.

Return type:



class ntnx_api.prism.StoragePool(api_client)[source]

A class to represent a Nutanix Clusters Storage Pool object.

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class

Retrieve data for each storage pool in a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each storage pool from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList
search_name(name, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific storage pool, in a specific cluster by uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – A storage pool name to search for.

A dictionary describing the found storage pool.

Return type:


search_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific storage pool, in a specific cluster by uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str, optional) – A container uuid to search for.

A dictionary describing the found storage pool.

Return type:



class ntnx_api.prism.StorageContainer(api_client)[source]

A class to represent a Nutanix Clusters Storage Container object.

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class
create(name, rf=2, oplog_rf=2, reserved=None, advertised=None, compression=True, compression_delay=0, dedupe_cache=False, dedupe_capacity=False, ecx=False, ecx_delay=None, whitelist=None, storage_pool_uuid=None, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Create a new container in a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str) – The name for the new container. Only unique container names are allowed.
  • rf (int, optional) – The RF level of the container.
  • oplog_rf (int, optional) – The RF level of the container.
  • reserved (int, optional) – The reservation size of the container in bytes.
  • advertised (int, optional) – The advertised size of the container in bytes.
  • compression (bool, optional) – Whether to enable compression.
  • compression_delay (int, optional) – The amount of time in secs before data is compressed Set to 0 for inline compression.
  • dedupe_cache (bool, optional) – Whether to apply deduplication to data in the cache tier.
  • dedupe_capacity (bool, optional) – Whether to apply deduplication to data in the capacity tier.
  • ecx (bool, optional) – Whether to enable erasure coding.
  • ecx_delay (int, optional) – The age of the data in the capacity tier in seconds before erasure coding is applied.
  • whitelist (list, optional) – A list of IPs/subnets to whiteist for access to this container. Used for data migration purposes onle.

True if the container was sucessfully created, False if creation failed.

Return type:


delete_name(name, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Delete a specific container by its name in a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str) – The name for the container.

True if the container was successfully updated, False if the update failed.

Return type:


delete_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Delete a specific container by its UUID in a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str) – The uuid for the container.

True if the container was successfully updated, False if the update failed.

Return type:



Retrieve data for each container in a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each container from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList
search_name(name, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific container, in a specific cluster by container uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – A container name to search for.

A dictionary describing the found container.

Return type:


search_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific container, in a specific cluster by container uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str, optional) – A container uuid to search for.

A dictionary describing the found container.

Return type:


update(name, reserved=None, advertised=None, compression=True, compression_delay=0, dedupe_cache=False, dedupe_capacity=False, ecx=False, ecx_delay=None, whitelist=None, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Update a specific container in a specific cluster

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str) – The name for the existing container.
  • reserved (int, optional) – The reservation size of the container in bytes.
  • advertised (int, optional) – The advertised size of the container in bytes.
  • compression (bool, optional) – Whether to enable compression.
  • compression_delay (int, optional) – The amount of time in secs before data is compressed Set to 0 for inline compression.
  • dedupe_cache (bool, optional) – Whether to apply deduplication to data in the cache tier.
  • dedupe_capacity (bool, optional) – Whether to apply deduplication to data in the capacity tier.
  • ecx (bool, optional) – Whether to enable erasure coding.
  • ecx_delay (int, optional) – The age of the data in the capacity tier in seconds before erasure coding is applied.
  • whitelist (list, optional) – A list of IPs/subnets to whiteist for access to this container. Used for data migration purposes onle.

True if the container was successfully updated, False if the update failed.

Return type:



class ntnx_api.prism.StorageVolume(api_client)[source]

A class to represent a Nutanix Clusters Storage Volumes object.

Parameters:api_client (ntnx.client.ApiClient) – Initialized API client class
add_disk_by_volume_group_name(volume_group_name: str, size_gb: int, index: int = 0, storage_container_uuid: str = None, storage_container_name: str = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add a new disk to an existing volume group using the volume group name.

  • volume_group_name (str) – The name of the volume group to which the new disk is to be added.
  • size_gb (int) – The size of the volume group disk to add in GB.
  • index (int, optional) – The SCSI index for the volume group on this VM to be detached.
  • storage_container_uuid (str, optional) – The uuid of the container that this volume group disk will be created on. Either this parameter or ‘storage_container_name’ must be provided.
  • storage_container_name (str, optional) – The name of the container that this volume group disk will be created on. Either this parameter or ‘storage_container_uuid’ must be provided.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the disk was successfully added to the volume group.

Return type:


add_disk_by_volume_group_uuid(volume_group_uuid: str, size_gb: int, index: int = 0, storage_container_uuid: str = None, storage_container_name: str = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add a new disk to an existing volume group using the volume group uuid.

  • volume_group_uuid (str) – The uuid of the volume group to which the new disk is to be added.
  • size_gb (int) – The size of the volume group disk to add in GB.
  • storage_container_uuid (str, optional) – The uuid of the container that this volume group disk will be created on. Either this parameter or ‘storage_container_name’ must be provided.
  • storage_container_name (str, optional) – The name of the container that this volume group disk will be created on. Either this parameter or ‘storage_container_uuid’ must be provided.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the disk was successfully added to the volume group.

Return type:


attach_volume_group(vm_uuid: str, vg_uuid: str, index: int = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Attach a VM to a volume group.

  • vg_uuid (str) – The uuid for the volume group.
  • vm_uuid (str) – The uuid for the vm to be attached to the volume group.
  • index (int, optional) – The SCSI index to attached the volume group onto on the VM.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully attached.

Return type:


clone_volume_group_name(source_name: str, dest_name: str, load_balancing: bool = True, iscsi_chap_password: str = None, iscsi_initiators: list = [], iscsi_target: str = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Clone a volume group by name.

  • source_name (str) – The name for the volume group that is to be cloned.
  • dest_name (str) – The name for the new volume group.
  • load_balancing (bool, optional) – Whether to enable volume group load balancing on this volume group. (defaults=True)
  • iscsi_chap_password (str, optional) – The iscsi CHAP password if wanted for this volume group.
  • iscsi_initiators (list, optional) – A list of the iscsi initiators to be present on this volume group.
  • iscsi_target (str, optional) – The iscsi target for this volume group.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully cloned.

Return type:


clone_volume_group_uuid(source_uuid: str, dest_name: str, load_balancing: bool = True, iscsi_chap_password: str = None, iscsi_initiators: list = [], iscsi_target: str = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Clone a volume group by name.

  • source_uuid (str) – The uuid for the volume group that is to be cloned.
  • dest_name (str) – The name for the new volume group.
  • load_balancing (bool, optional) – Whether to enable volume group load balancing on this volume group. (defaults=True)
  • iscsi_chap_password (str, optional) – The iscsi CHAP password if wanted for this volume group.
  • iscsi_initiators (list, optional) – A list of the iscsi initiators to be present on this volume group.
  • iscsi_target (str, optional) – The iscsi target for this volume group.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully cloned.

Return type:


create_volume_group(name: str, description: str = '', flash_mode: bool = False, load_balancing: bool = True, disks: list = [], vms: list = [], iscsi_initators: list = [], iscsi_target: str = None, iscsi_chap_password: str = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Create a new volume group.

  • name (str) – A name for the new volume group.
  • description (str, optional) – A description for this volume group.
  • flash_mode (bool, optional) – Whether to enable flash mode on this volume group. (defaults=False)
  • load_balancing (bool, optional) – Whether to enable volume group load balancing on this volume group. (defaults=True)
  • disks (list, optional) –

    A list of dicts describing the disks to be added to this volume group.

    The dictionary format per-disk is as follows::
    • size_gb (str). The size of the disk in GB.
    • storage_container_name (str). The name of the storage container on which to place the disk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_uuid”.
    • storage_container_uuid (str). The uuid of the storage container on which to place the disk. Mutually exclusive with “storage_container_name”.
    • index (int, optional). The index of the drive within the volume group.
    1. A single disk - [{‘size_gb’: 50, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’,}, ]
    2. Multiple disks - [{‘size_gb’: 50, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’,}, {‘size_gb’: 25, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’,}, ]
    3. Multiple disks with specific indexes - [{‘size_gb’: 50, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, ‘index’: 1}, {‘size_gb’: 25, ‘storage_container_name’: ‘default’, , ‘index’: 0}, ]
  • vms (list, optional) –

    A list of dicts describing the VMs to be attached to this volume group.

    The dictionary format per-vm is as follows::
    • vm_uuid (str). The uuid of the virtual machine.
    • index (str). The scsi index to attach the volume group with one the VM.
    1. Attach a single VM - [{‘vm_uuid’: ‘95764410-db35-48f8-8cf9-217a8fabb547’, ‘index’: 10, }, ]
    2. Attach a multiple VMs - [{‘vm_uuid’: ‘95764410-db35-48f8-8cf9-217a8fabb547’, ‘index’: 10, }, {‘vm_uuid’: ‘e3c543e9-c68c-468b-abd1-61a6d039a84d’, ‘index’: 10, }, ]
  • iscsi_initators (list, optional) – A list of the iscsi initiators to be present on this volume group.
  • iscsi_target (str, optional) – The iscsi target for this volume group.
  • iscsi_chap_password (str, optional) – The iscsi CHAP password if wanted for this volume group.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully created.

Return type:


delete_volume_group_name(name: str, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Delete a volume group specified by name.

  • name (str) – The name for the volume group to be deleted.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully deleted.

Return type:


delete_volume_group_uuid(uuid: str, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Delete a volume group specified by uuid.

  • uuid (str) – The uuid for the volume group to be deleted.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully deleted.

Return type:


detach_volume_group(vm_uuid: str, vg_uuid: str, index: int, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid: str = None)[source]

Detach a VM to a volume group.

  • vg_uuid (str) – The uuid for the volume group.
  • vm_uuid (str) – The uuid for the vm to be detached to the volume group.
  • index (int, optional) – The SCSI index for the volume group on this VM to be detached.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully detached.

Return type:



Retrieve data for each volume group & all volumes in a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

Retrieve data for each volume group in a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each volume group from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList
get_volumes(clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for each volume in a specific cluster

Parameters:clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing each volume group from the specified cluster.
Return type:ResponseList
remove_disk_by_volume_group_name(volume_group_name: str, index: int, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Remove a disk from a volume group by volume group name.

  • volume_group_name (str) – The name of the volume group to which the new disk is to be added.
  • index (int, optional) – The SCSI index for the volume group on this VM to be detached.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the disk was successfully removed to the volume group.

Return type:


remove_disk_by_volume_group_uuid(volume_group_uuid: str, index: int, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Remove a disk from a volume group by volume group uuid.

  • volume_group_uuid (str) – The uuid of the volume group to which the new disk is to be added.
  • index (int, optional) – The SCSI index for the volume group on this VM to be detached.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the disk was successfully removed to the volume group.

Return type:


search_volume_groups_name(name, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific volume group, in a specific cluster by volume group uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • name (str, optional) – A volume group name to search for.

A dictionary describing the found volume group.

Return type:


search_volume_groups_uuid(uuid, clusteruuid=None, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for a specific volume group, in a specific cluster by volume group uuid

  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.
  • uuid (str, optional) – A volume group uuid to search for.

A dictionary describing the found volume group.

Return type:


update_disk_by_volume_group_name(volume_group_name: str, index: int, size_gb: int = None, preserve_data: bool = True, flash_mode: bool = False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add a new disk to an existing volume group using the volume group name.

  • volume_group_name (str) – The name of the volume group to which the new disk is to be added.
  • size_gb (int) – The size of the volume group disk to add in GB.
  • index (int, optional) – The SCSI index for the volume group on this VM to be detached.
  • preserve_data (bool, optional) – Whether data on this volume should be preserved during the update. (default=True)
  • flash_mode (bool, optional) – Whether to enable flash mode on this volume group. (defaults=False)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the disk was successfully updated on the volume group.

Return type:


update_disk_by_volume_group_uuid(volume_group_uuid: str, index: int, size_gb: int = None, preserve_data: bool = True, flash_mode: bool = False, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Add a new disk to an existing volume group using the volume group uuid.

  • volume_group_uuid (str) – The uuid of the volume group to which the new disk is to be added.
  • size_gb (int) – The size of the volume group disk to add in GB.
  • index (int, optional) – The SCSI index for the volume group on this VM to be detached.
  • preserve_data (bool, optional) – Whether data on this volume should be preserved during the update. (default=True)
  • flash_mode (bool, optional) – Whether to enable flash mode on this volume group. (defaults=False)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the disk was successfully updated on the volume group.

Return type:


update_volume_group_name(name: str, description: str = None, flash_mode: bool = None, load_balancing: bool = None, iscsi_initiators: list = None, iscsi_target: str = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Update the configuration of a volume group specified by name.

  • name (str) – The name for the volume group to be updated.
  • description (str, optional) – A description for this volume group.
  • flash_mode (bool, optional) – Whether to enable flash mode on this volume group. (defaults=False)
  • load_balancing (bool, optional) – Whether to enable volume group load balancing on this volume group. (defaults=True)
  • iscsi_initiators – A list of the iscsi initiators to be present on this volume group.
  • iscsi_target (str, optional) – The iscsi target for this volume group.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully updated.

Return type:


update_volume_group_uuid(uuid: str, name: str = None, description: str = None, flash_mode: bool = None, load_balancing: bool = None, iscsi_initiators: list = None, iscsi_target: str = None, wait: bool = True, clusteruuid=None)[source]

Update the configuration of a volume group specified by uuid.

  • uuid (str) – The uuid for the volume group to be updated.
  • name (str, optional) – A new name for the volume group to be updated.
  • description (str, optional) – A description for this volume group.
  • flash_mode (bool, optional) – Whether to enable flash mode on this volume group. (defaults=False)
  • load_balancing (bool, optional) – Whether to enable volume group load balancing on this volume group. (defaults=True)
  • iscsi_initiators (list, optional) – A list of the iscsi initiators to be present on this volume group.
  • iscsi_target (str, optional) – The iscsi target for this volume group.
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)
  • clusteruuid (str, optional) – A cluster UUID to define the specific cluster to query. Only required to be used when the ntnx.client.ApiClient connection_type is set to pc.

True or False to indicate whether the volume group was successfully updated.

Return type:


Prism Central Categories

class ntnx_api.prism.Categories(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A class to represent Nutanix Prism Central Categories.

param api_client:
 Initialized API client class
type api_client:

New in version 1.5.0: This class combines all functions to manage categories into a single class.

assign_category_value(categories: list, uuid: str, kind: str = 'vm', wait: bool = True)[source]

Assign a list of categories & values to a VM, host or cluster.

  • categories (list) –

    A list of of category/value key-pairs.

    The dictionary format for each list item is as follows::
    • category (str). The category to be assigned.
    • value (str). The category value to be assigned.
    1. Add a single category/value - [{‘category’: ‘AppFamily’, ‘value’: ‘Databases’, }, ]
    2. Add multiple categories/values - [{‘category’: ‘AppFamily’, ‘value’: ‘Databases’, }, {‘category’: ‘Environment’, ‘value’: ‘Production’, }, ]
  • uuid (str) – UUID of the object to be modified.
  • kind (str('vm', 'host', 'cluster'), optional) – The kind of object to be modified. (default=’vm’)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)

True or False to indicate whether the category was successfully assigned.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’


Retrieve data for all categories.

Parameters:refresh (str, optional) – Whether to refresh an existing dataset if it exists.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing all categories.
Return type:ResponseList


Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

get_category_value_usage(category, value, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for all vms or hosts belonging to a specific category & value.

  • category (str) – Category name
  • value (str) – Key name
  • refresh (bool, optional) – Whether to refresh an existing dataset if it exists. (default=False)

A list of dictionaries containing where the category & value key-pair is in use.

The per-item dictionary format is;
  • name (str). The name of the VM found.
  • uuid (str). The UUID of the VM found.
  • kind (str). The kind of record found. Choice of ‘vm’, ‘host’, ‘cluster’

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

get_category_values(category, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve data for all keys belonging to a specific category.

  • category (str) – Category name
  • refresh (str, optional) – Whether to refresh an existing dataset if it exists.

A list of dictionaries describing all category values.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

remove_category(name, force=False)[source]

Remove a category

  • name (str) – Category name
  • force (bool, optional) – If True remove category values and also unassign those values from any VM. (default=False)

True or False to indicate whether the category removal was successful.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

remove_category_value(category: str, value: str, force=False)[source]

Remove a category value.

  • category (str) – Category name
  • value (str) – Name for new category value
  • force (bool, optional) – If True remove category values and also unassign those values from any VM. (default=False)

True or False to indicate whether the category value removal was successful.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

search_category(name, refresh=False)[source]

Search for a specific category.

  • name (str) – Category name
  • refresh (str, optional) – Whether to refresh an existing dataset if it exists.

A dictionary describing a single category.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

search_category_value(category, value, refresh=False)[source]

Search for a specific key within a category.

  • category (str) – Category name
  • value (str) – Category value name
  • refresh (str, optional) – Whether to refresh an existing dataset if it exists.

A dictionary describing a single category value.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

set_category(name, description='')[source]

Create or update category

  • name (str) – Name of new category
  • description (str, optional) – Description for new category

True or False to indicate whether the category creation or update was successful.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

set_category_value(category: str, value: str, description: str = '')[source]

Create or update Category value. If the value does not exist it is created, if it does exist it is updated.

  • category (str) – Category name
  • value (str) – Name for new category value
  • description (str, optional) – Description for the new category value

True or False to indicate whether the category creation or update was successfully.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

unassign_category_value(categories: list, uuid: str, kind: str = 'vm', wait: bool = True)[source]

Unassign a list of categories & values from a VM, host or cluster.

  • categories (list) –

    A list of of category/value key-pairs.

    The dictionary format for each list item is as follows::
    • category (str). The category to be assigned.
    • value (str). The category value to be assigned.
    1. Add a single category/value - [{‘category’: ‘AppFamily’, ‘value’: ‘Databases’, }, ]
    2. Add multiple categories/values - [{‘category’: ‘AppFamily’, ‘value’: ‘Databases’, }, {‘category’: ‘Environment’, ‘value’: ‘Production’, }, ]
  • uuid (str) – UUID of the object to be modified.
  • kind (str('vm', 'host', 'cluster'), optional) – The kind of object to be modified. (default=’vm’)
  • wait (bool, optional) – Wait for the task to complete. (defaults=True)

True or False to indicate whether the category was successfully unassigned.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

Prism Central Projects

class ntnx_api.prism.Projects(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A class to represent Nutanix Prism Projects.

param api_client:
 Initialized API client class
type api_client:

New in version 1.5.0: Added Projects class.


Retrieve data for all projects.

Parameters:refresh (str, optional) – Whether to refresh an existing dataset if it exists.
Returns:A list of dictionaries describing all projects.
Return type:ResponseList


Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

get_usage(name, refresh=False)[source]

Retrieve a list of the vms that belong to a specific project.

  • name (str) – Project name
  • refresh (str, optional) – Whether to refresh an existing dataset if it exists.

A list of dictionaries containing where the project is in use.

The per-item dictionary format is;
  • name (str). The name of the VM found.
  • uuid (str). The UUID of the VM found.
  • kind (str). The kind of record found. As VMs are only returned by this function this will be ‘vm’.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

search(name, refresh=False)[source]

Search for a specific project.

  • name (str) – Project name
  • refresh (str, optional) – Whether to refresh an existing dataset if it exists.

A dictionary describing the found project.

Return type:



Will only return data when connection_type==’pc’

Indices and tables