Source code for ntnx_api.client

# Copyright: (c) 2020, Ross Davies <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or

.. autoclass:: ntnx_api.client.PrismApi

.. autoclass:: ntnx_api.client.ApiClient

.. autoclass:: ntnx_api.client.NutanixError

.. autoclass:: ntnx_api.client.NutanixRestHTTPError

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

__metaclass__ = type

from base64 import b64encode
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated, versionadded, versionchanged
import requests
import urllib3
import json
import logging
import logging.config
import os

    name: nutanix_api.client
        - Ross Davies <>

    short_description: Connect to the Nutanix Prism v2 or v3 API and return data

        - Connect to the API and test successful login

        - "python >= 3.5"
        - "requests >= 2.24.0"


# Setup logging
logger = logging.getLogger('ntnx_api.client')
logging_level = os.environ.get('NTNX_API_LOG_LEVEL', 'WARNING').upper()
    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,  # this fixes the problem
    'formatters': {
        'standard': {
            'format': '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
    'handlers': {
        'ntnx_api.client': {
            'level': logging_level,
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            "formatter": "standard",
            "stream": "ext://sys.stdout"
    'loggers': {
        '': {
            'handlers': ['ntnx_api.client'],
            'level': 'INFO',
            'propagate': True

[docs]class NutanixError(Exception): """Exception type raised by Nutanix API. :param reason: A message describing why the error occurred. :type reason: str :ivar str reason: A message describing why the error occurred. """ def __init__(self, reason): self.reason = reason super(NutanixError, self).__init__(reason) def __str__(self): return "Error: {0}".format(self.reason)
[docs]class NutanixRestHTTPError(NutanixError): """Exception raised as a result of non-200 response status code. :param target: IP or DNS name of the array that received the HTTP request. :type target: str :param rest_version: The REST API version that was used when making the request. :type rest_version: str :param data: The REST API data that was used when making the request. :type data: str :param params: The REST API parameters that was used when making the request. :type params: str :param response: The response of the HTTP request that caused the error. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :ivar str target: IP or DNS name of the array that received the HTTP request. :ivar str rest_version: The REST API version that was used when making the request. :ivar int code: The HTTP response status code of the request. :ivar dict headers: A dictionary containing the header information. Keys are case-insensitive. :ivar str reason: The textual reason for the HTTP status code (e.g. "BAD REQUEST"). :ivar str text: The body of the response which may contain a message explaining the error. .. note:: The error message in text is not guaranteed to be consistent across REST versions, and thus should not be programmed against. """ def __init__(self, target, rest_version, data, params, response): super(NutanixRestHTTPError, self).__init__(response.reason) = target self.rest_version = rest_version = data self.params = params self.code = response.status_code self.headers = response.headers self.text = response.text def __str__(self): msg = ("RestHTTPError status code {0} returned by REST " "version {1} at {2}:\nhttp params: {3}\nhttp body: {4}\n{5}\n{6}") return msg.format(self.code, self.rest_version,, self.params,, self.reason, self.text)
[docs]@deprecated( reason="""This ApiClient class is being deprecated in favor of separate classes for teach Nutanix endpoint type being connected with. This will simplify future development and use and allow for more granular changes based on the requirements of the endpoints API. Prism Element or Central API connection management has moved to :class:`.PrismApi` """, version='1.1.0', ) class ApiClient(object): """A class to represent a connection to an Nutanix API :param connection_type: Identifier for the type of Nutanix API to connect to :type connection_type: str('pe','pc','era','karbon','kps','frame','foundation') :param ip_address: IPv4 address or resolvable DNS entry for Nutanix API host :type ip_address: str :param username: Username to authenticate to API (default='admin') :type username: str, optional :param password: Password for user to authenticate to API (default='nutanix/4u') :type password: str, optional :param port: The port where the Nutanix API listens (default='9440') :type port: str, optional :param validate_certs: The port where the Nutanix API listens (default='9440') :type validate_certs: bool, optional :param environment: Environment string for Xi Frame :type environment: str, optional :param api_key: API Key string for Karbon Platform Services (KPS) :type api_key: str, optional :raises: :class:`ValueError` - If the connection type is not set - If the connection type is not valid :raises: :class:`NutanixError` - If the API is not reachable """ def __init__(self, connection_type, ip_address=None, username="admin", password="nutanix/4u", port="9440", validate_certs=False, environment=None, api_key=None): self.encoded_credentials = b64encode(bytes('{0}:{1}'.format(username, password), encoding='ascii')).decode('ascii') self.auth_header = 'Basic {0}'.format(self.encoded_credentials) self.validate_certs = validate_certs if not validate_certs: urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) supported_connections = ['pe', 'pc', 'era', 'karbon', 'kps', 'frame', 'foundation'] if connection_type not in supported_connections: raise ValueError('connection_type needs to be set to pe, pc, era, karbon, kps, frame, foundation not {}.'.format(connection_type)) self.connection_type = connection_type if not port: ports = { 'pe': '9440', 'pc': '9440', 'foundation': '8000', 'frame': '443', 'karbon': '443', # VALIDATE 'kpa': '443', } port = ports[connection_type] apis = { 'pc': { 'default': 'v3', 'uris': { 'v1': 'https://{0}:{1}/PrismGateway/services/rest/v1'.format(ip_address, port), 'v2.0': 'https://{0}:{1}/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0'.format(ip_address, port), 'v3': 'https://{0}:{1}/api/nutanix/v3'.format(ip_address, port), }, }, 'pe': { 'default': 'v2.0', 'uris': { 'v1': 'https://{0}:{1}/PrismGateway/services/rest/v1'.format(ip_address, port), 'v2.0': 'https://{0}:{1}/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0'.format(ip_address, port), }, }, 'foundation': { 'default': 'v1', 'uris': { 'v1': 'https://{0}:{1}/foundation'.format(ip_address, port), }, }, 'frame': { 'default': 'v1', 'uris': { 'v1': 'https://{0}.{1}/v1'.format(ip_address, environment), }, }, 'karbon': { 'default': 'v1', 'uris': { 'v1': None, }, }, 'kps': { 'default': 'v1', 'uris': { 'v1': None, }, }, } self.api_base = apis[connection_type]['uris'] self._api_version = apis[connection_type]['default'] result = self.test() if not result: raise NutanixError('API connection failed. Please check parameters and try again.')
[docs] def request(self, uri, api_version=None, payload=None, params=None, response_code=200, timeout=120, method=None): """Perform HTTP request for REST API. :param uri: URI of resource to interact with :type uri: str :param api_version: Version of API to use. Affects the base of the called URI. :type api_version: str('v1', 'v2.0', 'v3'), optional :param payload: Data to be used in the body of request :type payload: dict, optional :param params: Data to be used in the query string of request :type params: dict, optional :param response_code: Expected response code (default=200) :type response_code: int, optional :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait before the API call times out (default=120) :type timeout: int, optional :param method: Method for the API request. If payload=None default=GET, if payload!=None default=POST :type method: str('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'), optional :return: Result of API query :rtype: ResponseDict or ResponseList """ headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic {0}'.format(self.encoded_credentials), 'cache-control': 'no-cache'} try: if not api_version: api_version = self._api_version request_url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.api_base[api_version], uri) if self.connection_type != 'pc' and params and api_version != 'v3': params.pop('proxyClusterUuid') method = method or ('POST' if payload else 'GET') response = requests.request(method, request_url, headers=headers, verify=self.validate_certs, timeout=timeout, data=json.dumps(payload), params=params) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: raise NutanixRestHTTPError(request_url, str(api_version), json.dumps(payload), params, response) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: raise NutanixError(err) except Exception as err: raise NutanixError(err) try: return response.json() except ValueError: return response.text
[docs] def test(self): """Test that a query can be performed against the defined API connection :return: `True` if connected, `False` otherwise :rtype: bool """ params = {} payload = None uri = '' api_test = { 'pc': { 'uri': '/versions', 'payload': None, 'params': None, }, 'pe': { 'uri': '/clusters', 'payload': None, 'params': None, }, 'foundation': { 'uri': '/version', 'payload': None, 'params': None, }, 'frame': { 'uri': '/accounts', 'payload': None, 'params': None, }, 'karbon': { 'uri': '/karbon/v1-alpha.1/version', 'payload': None, 'params': None, }, 'kps': { 'uri': '/karbon/v1-alpha.1/version', 'payload': None, 'params': None, }, } uri = api_test[self.connection_type]['uri'] payload = api_test[self.connection_type]['payload'] params = api_test[self.connection_type]['params'] result = self.request(uri=uri, payload=payload, params=params) if result: return True else: return False
[docs]@versionadded( reason="""This class supersedes the originally released class :class:`.ApiClient`. To interact with the Prism Element or Prism Central APIs please use this class instead of the deprecated class. """, version='1.1.0', ) class PrismApi(object): """A class to represent a connection to an Nutanix API on either Prism Element or Prism Central :param ip_address: IPv4 address or resolvable DNS entry for Nutanix API host :type ip_address: str :param username: Username to authenticate to API (default='admin') :type username: str, optional :param password: Password for user to authenticate to API (default='nutanix/4u') :type password: str, optional :param port: The port where the Nutanix API listens (default='9440') :type port: str, optional :param validate_certs: The port where the Nutanix API listens (default='9440') :type validate_certs: bool, optional :raises: :class:`ValueError` - If the connection type is not set - If the connection type is not valid :raises: :class:`NutanixError` - If the API is not reachable """ def __init__(self, ip_address=None, username="admin", password="nutanix/4u", port="9440", validate_certs=False): logger = logging.getLogger('ntnx_api.client.PrismApi.__init__') self.ip_address = ip_address self.port = port self.encoded_credentials = b64encode(bytes('{0}:{1}'.format(username, password), encoding='ascii')).decode('ascii') self.auth_header = 'Basic {0}'.format(self.encoded_credentials) self.validate_certs = validate_certs self.connection_type = None self.cookies = None self.api_base = { 'pc': { 'default': 'v3', 'uris': { 'v1': 'https://{0}:{1}/PrismGateway/services/rest/v1'.format(ip_address, port), 'v2.0': 'https://{0}:{1}/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0'.format(ip_address, port), 'v3': 'https://{0}:{1}/api/nutanix/v3'.format(ip_address, port), }, }, 'pe': { 'default': 'v2.0', 'uris': { 'v0.8': 'https://{0}:{1}/api/nutanix/v0.8'.format(ip_address, port), 'v1': 'https://{0}:{1}/PrismGateway/services/rest/v1'.format(ip_address, port), 'v2.0': 'https://{0}:{1}/PrismGateway/services/rest/v2.0'.format(ip_address, port), 'v3': 'https://{0}:{1}/api/nutanix/v3'.format(ip_address, port), }, }, } if not validate_certs:'bypassing certificate validation') urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) if not self.connection_type:'setting up api connection') result = self.setup() self._api_version = self.api_base[self.connection_type]['default'] self.api_base = self.api_base[self.connection_type]['uris']'default api version: {0}'.format(self._api_version))'default api base url: {0}'.format(self.api_base[self._api_version])) if not result: raise NutanixError('API connection failed. Please check ip address, username and password and try again.')
[docs] def setup(self): """Connect to rest API and store variables neccessary for optimal operation of the class. :return: `True` if successful;, `False` otherwise :rtype: bool """ logger = logging.getLogger('ntnx_api.client.PrismApi.setup') params = {} payload = None uri = '/users/me' timeout = 120 headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic {0}'.format(self.encoded_credentials), 'cache-control': 'no-cache'}'request headers: {0}'.format(headers)) try: base_url = 'https://{0}:{1}/api/nutanix/v3'.format(self.ip_address, self.port) method = 'GET' request_url = '{0}{1}'.format(base_url, uri)'request url: {0}'.format(request_url))'request method: {0}'.format(method)) response = requests.request(method, request_url, headers=headers, verify=self.validate_certs, timeout=timeout, data=json.dumps(payload), params=params) if response.status_code == 200: # 'x-ntnx-env' header will be 'pe' for prism element or 'pc' for prism central self.connection_type = response.headers.get('x-ntnx-env').lower()'api response x-ntnx-env value: {0}'.format(response.headers.get('x-ntnx-env').lower())) if self.connection_type == 'pe':'connected to Nutanix Prism Element @ {0}'.format(self.ip_address)) else:'connected to Nutanix Prism Central @ {0}'.format(self.ip_address)) self.cookies = response.cookies logger.debug('got cookies: {0}'.format(response.cookies)) return True else: return False except Exception as err: raise NutanixError(err)
[docs] def request(self, uri, api_version=None, payload=None, params=None, response_code=None, timeout=120, method=None): """Perform HTTP request for REST API. :param uri: URI of resource to interact with :type uri: str :param api_version: Version of API to use. Affects the base of the called URI. :type api_version: str('v1', 'v2.0', 'v3'), optional :param payload: Data to be used in the body of request :type payload: dict, optional :param params: Data to be used in the query string of request :type params: dict, optional :param response_code: Expected response code (default=200) :type response_code: int, optional :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait before the API call times out (default=120) :type timeout: int, optional :param method: Method for the API request. If payload=None default=GET, if payload!=None default=POST :type method: str('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'), optional :return: Result of API query :rtype: ResponseDict or ResponseList """ logger = logging.getLogger('ntnx_api.client.PrismApi.request') logger.debug('starting API request') # if self.cookies: #'cookies provided') # headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'cache-control': 'no-cache'} # else: #'cookies not provided') # headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', # 'Authorization': 'Basic {0}'.format(self.encoded_credentials), 'cache-control': 'no-cache'} headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic {0}'.format(self.encoded_credentials), 'cache-control': 'no-cache'} logger.debug('api request headers: {0}'.format(headers)) try: if not api_version: api_version = self._api_version logger.debug('api version being called: {0}'.format(api_version)) request_url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.api_base[api_version], uri)'request url: {0}'.format(request_url)) if self.connection_type != 'pc' and params and api_version != 'v3': params.pop('proxyClusterUuid') method = method or ('POST' if payload else 'GET')'request method: {0}'.format(method))'request payload: {0}'.format(json.dumps(payload)))'request params: {0}'.format(params)) # if self.cookies: # response = requests.request(method, request_url, headers=headers, verify=self.validate_certs, # timeout=timeout, data=json.dumps(payload), params=params, cookies=self.cookies) # else: # response = requests.request(method, request_url, headers=headers, verify=self.validate_certs, # timeout=timeout, data=json.dumps(payload), params=params) response = requests.request(method, request_url, headers=headers, verify=self.validate_certs, timeout=timeout, data=json.dumps(payload), params=params) logger.debug('api response code: {0}'.format(response.status_code)) # logger.debug('api response: {0}'.format(response.json())) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: raise NutanixRestHTTPError(request_url, str(api_version), json.dumps(payload), params, response) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: raise NutanixError(err) except Exception as err: raise NutanixError(err) try: if not response_code: if response.status_code not in range(200, 299): raise NutanixRestHTTPError(request_url, str(api_version), json.dumps(payload), params, response) elif response.status_code != response_code: raise NutanixRestHTTPError(request_url, str(api_version), json.dumps(payload), params, response) return response.json() except ValueError: return response.text
[docs] def upload(self, uri, file_path, header_dict=None, api_version=None, params=None, response_code=200, timeout=120, method='POST'): """Perform HTTP upload request for REST API. :param uri: URI of resource to interact with :type uri: str :param file_path: PAth to the file to be uploaded :type file_path: str :param header_dict: Dict of additional headers to add to this request. :type header_dict: dict, optional :param api_version: Version of API to use. Affects the base of the called URI. :type api_version: str('v1', 'v2.0', 'v3'), optional :param params: Data to be used in the query string of request :type params: dict, optional :param response_code: Expected response code (default=200) :type response_code: int, optional :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait before the API call times out (default=120) :type timeout: int, optional :param method: Method for the API request. If payload=None default=GET, if payload!=None default=POST :type method: str('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'), optional :return: Result of API query :rtype: ResponseDict or ResponseList """ logger = logging.getLogger('ntnx_api.client.PrismApi.upload') logger.debug('starting API upload request') logger.debug('var uri: {0}'.format(uri)) logger.debug('var file_path: {0}'.format(file_path)) logger.debug('var header_dict: {0}'.format(header_dict)) logger.debug('var api_version: {0}'.format(api_version)) logger.debug('var params: {0}'.format(params)) logger.debug('var response_code: {0}'.format(response_code)) logger.debug('var timeout: {0}'.format(timeout)) logger.debug('var method: {0}'.format(method)) headers = {'Accept': 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', 'Authorization': 'Basic {0}'.format(self.encoded_credentials), 'cache-control': 'no-cache'} headers.update(header_dict) logger.debug('request headers: {0}'.format(headers)) try: if not api_version: api_version = self._api_version request_url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.api_base[api_version], uri) if self.connection_type != 'pc' and params and api_version != 'v3': params.pop('proxyClusterUuid') logger.debug('request method: {0}'.format(method)) logger.debug('uploading file {0} to {1}'.format(file_path, request_url)) # with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: # response = requests.request(method, request_url, headers=headers, verify=self.validate_certs, # timeout=timeout, data=f, params=params) # response = requests.request(method, request_url, headers=headers, verify=self.validate_certs, timeout=timeout, data=f, params=params) data = open(file_path, 'rb').read() response = requests.request(method, request_url, headers=headers, verify=self.validate_certs, timeout=timeout, data=data, params=params) logger.debug('api response code: {0}'.format(response.status_code))'api response: {0}'.format(response.json())) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: raise NutanixRestHTTPError(request_url, str(api_version), '', params, response) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: raise NutanixError(err) except Exception as err: raise NutanixError(err) try: if response.status_code != response_code: raise NutanixRestHTTPError(request_url, str(api_version), 'file-upload', params, response) return response.json() except ValueError: return response.text
[docs] def test(self): """Test that a query can be performed against the defined API connection :return: `True` if connected, `False` otherwise :rtype: bool """ logger = logging.getLogger('ntnx_api.client.PrismApi.test') params = {} payload = None uri = '/users/me' api_version = 'v3' result = self.request(uri=uri, api_version=api_version, payload=payload, params=params) if result:'logon successful') return True else: logger.error('logon failed') return False